A Week on the Big Snake Read online

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  Sully said, “If I hear you pop the top off a Vaseline tub, I’m so fucking out of here.” Matt made a mouth-banjo sound, doing that song from Deliverance. They all laughed, even Kyle.

  When Kyle stopped laughing, he said, “You want to do this right or not?”

  “Right, right,” they all agreed, chuckling, letting their shorts drop to their ankles. Will drew down his zipper, let his shorts fall to his ankles too, then pushed down his underwear.

  “Let’s go,” Kyle said, “line up, I’ll call them in.”

  Still snickering, all of them trying to choke it back now, they lined up single file, facing the same direction and shoulder to shoulder. All of them tried not to get caught looking to see what the other guys had, though he’d seen them each naked at some point, playing sports or at the gym. Thank God he wasn’t the only one hard; they’d all sported wood at this outrageous prospect. And, it was true, they were all kind of the same size. Some a little thicker or a little thinner, a little longer, a little shorter. But in a lineup of four guys someone had to have the shortest and someone had to have the thinnest. That was Will. It wasn’t immediately noticeable, but he was sensitive to it. They were all in the fist-and-a-half range, all of them semi-hard to three-quarters hard, dicks sticking out straight. They were all circumcised. None of their balls hung, all clumped up with nervous anticipation. Mickey might’ve been the largest, or at least the longest. But not by much. But if Will held his up to Mickey’s, that would be the most noticeable difference.

  Will pushed his hips forward to pronounce better his most meager proportion.

  Kyle asked, “You guys ready?” They said they were. Kyle parted the tent flap, called out to the girls, “Who’s coming in first?”


  The girls were tittering out there, whispering, snorting laughter. Rachel stopped laughing long enough to say, “We’re sending Emma.”

  Kyle said, “Right, guys, Emma’s coming,” spying out the gap in the flap. As Emma got closer to the tent’s opening, Kyle said to her, “Is that bandanna tight?”

  “Yeah,” she said.

  “Sure you can’t see out of it?”

  “I can’t see anything.”

  “What if you look down?”

  Emma came near the opening, taking short steps, her hands out. She nodded her head up and down, looked up and rolled it around. Kyle reached and tugged the blindfold lower on her nose. Emma said, “I seriously can’t see anything.”

  “Take my hand,” Kyle said, being a good host even though he wasn’t really a part of their crew.

  Emma put a hand out, wagged it around in an uncertain circle until Kyle gripped her fingers. “Okay?”

  “Yeah,” she said.

  He guided her into the dark of the tent, Emma lifting her leg high as if she were stepping over a tall threshold. But there was no height difference between the outside sand and the tent’s floor, and the guys snickered.

  “Shut up,” she said.

  More snickering.

  “All right, Emma, walk forward,” Kyle said, put one hand on the small of her back, the other on her shoulder. Emma did that shuffling-step thing, nervous. The guys snorted. Kyle guided her to the middle of the line, nodded his chin to them, whispering, “Ready?”

  Matt looked like he was going to step forward, put his dick in Mickey’s girl’s hand, but Mickey put out an arm, gave him a scowl. More snickering.

  Emma said, “What’s going on?”

  “Hold on,” Kyle said, “they’re getting ready.”

  “Where do I put my hand?”

  Kyle took her wrist, lowered her hand as Mickey stepped closer to her. He thrust his hips forward, and Kyle guided Emma’s hand to plop onto the outstretched erection. Emma snorted, chuckled, bit her lip, let her hand explore it, her fingertips going up and down, reaching underneath, touching Mickey’s testicles, then palming the erection’s belly. Her fingertips came up finally, explored the shape of his cock head.

  “Geez,” Kyle whispered, “take it easy.”

  Emma laughed, offended, snapping her hand away, and swatting out toward Kyle to scold him.

  “You’re just supposed to feel it,” he joked, “sheez, it’s like a live sex show in here.”

  They all burst out laughing, and from outside the tent Will heard Heather shout, “What’s going on in there?”

  Matt shouted, “Emma’s giving out hand jobs.”

  Emma raised a fist and struck it outward like a hammer, but Matt stepped aside and she just swatted the air. “Shut up, you idiot,” she said, and Kyle gripped her shirt so she wouldn’t fall forward. More laughter, even Emma.

  Kyle said, “Okay, that’s it.”

  They watched as Kyle guided her with his hands on her shoulders back to the tent’s opening. He told her, “Don’t say anything, go out there and give the next girl the bandanna.”

  They listened as she went out to rejoin the other girls. There wasn’t any talking, but there was lots of snickering.

  Kyle asked, “Who’s coming out next?”

  Heather’s voice: “Rachel’s coming.”


  Since Mickey was done now, his girlfriend feeling up his dick, he stepped back, reaching down and pulling up his shorts, zipping the fly closed. They were in the food tent, the cooler popped open. He peered in, then hissed, “Wait, wait...”

  They all looked around to see Mickey reach in the cooler, rustle a plastic bag, drew out a glistening sausage. He held it up, and they all slapped hands over their mouths in anticipation of what was going to be a fucking awesome prank. He passed it to Matt, who held it, all of them waiting for Rachel to show up.

  “Oh my God,” Kyle said, struggling not to laugh, putting up a finger, saying out to the girls, “Just a second...”

  “What are you guys doing in there?”

  “Nothing,” they all said.

  “They’re doing something,” the girls said to each other.

  Kyle laughed silently, bent over with his hands on his knees. He was older than them, maybe in his early thirties. But not too old he couldn’t enjoy a silly prank like this. “All right,” he said, “all right,” gathering himself. He stood up, drew in a long breath, steadied himself, fixing the front of his shirt by running hands up and down it. Smoothing himself. “You guys ready?”

  They all nodded; Mickey snorted.

  “Okay, Rachel,” Kyle said out the tent’s door.

  Now they waited. Then it was Rachel coming in, her hands out in front of her so she wouldn’t walk into anything, Kyle reaching out and taking her wrist. “Okay,” he said, “I’ve got you.” Then the same rigmarole again, Kyle guiding Rachel in like he guided Emma, walking her to the group of lined up guys with their pants down, dicks out. Matt lowered the sausage, held it upright and at an erect angle, all of them going bright red trying not to burst out laughing.

  Kyle whispered to Rachel, “You ready?”

  “Where...?” Rachel said, her hand reaching out clumsily at around waist height.

  “I’ve got you,” Kyle said, taking her wrist. He nodded at Matt, who moved the sausage closer. It was uncooked, a pale flesh color, bigger than a hot dog, and shimmering with oil.

  “Where?” Rachel extended her open hand, searching to close on a penis.

  “Here,” Kyle said.

  Matt eased the cold greasy wiener up through her grip.

  Rachel whined, “Ew, fucking gross, what is this?”

  They all burst out laughing; Mickey had to step back and sit down in a canvas director’s chair. They cackled and howled, Kyle held Rachel so she wouldn’t run away.

  “You guys are fucking idiots,” she laughed. And when she put her palm to her face and sniffed it—nose wrinkling, mouth turning down at the sausage smell—the hilarity rolled over and over.

  Heather from outside: “What’s happening in there?”

  “They put a hot dog in my hand,” Rachel shouted, then grumbling to them, “Or one of you’s got a cold, skinny dick that smells like a w

  “Hey,” Kyle said, “no talking to the other girls. You’re going to give it away.”

  Rachel whispered, “Did you put a hot dog in Emma’s hand?”

  “Yeah,” Mickey lied, trying not to laugh.

  “And she didn’t know?”

  “Don’t you worry about what we’re doing in here,” Matt said, “just worry about your job.”

  “Fucking assholes. Even if I guess the dick right, you’re cut off, Matty Matthew.”

  “We’ll see about that,” Matt said. “You can’t go two days without it.”

  “In your dreams,” Rachel said, Matt sidestepping now so she wouldn’t identify his voice with the location.

  Kyle said, “All right, Rachel, for real now. You ready?”

  “If you put anything other than a dick in my hand, I’m just gonna start swinging.”

  “Fun’s over, serious business now, Rachel, I swear,” Kyle said. He nodded to Matt, who stepped down past Will. As Kyle walked Rachel past Will, she came very close to touching his erection with her bare wrist. What would that be like, if they were putting their penises in the other girlfriends’ hands? What if he did put his penis in Rachel’s hand? Shit, that would be so wild...

  But none of the guys would let that happen.

  Matt was ready now, his penis thrust out ready for his girlfriend’s touch. Rachel did that thing that Emma did. Gripping it, under-handing it, groping the testicles. Then she explored the shape of his head. Matt bit his knuckles, rolled his eyes, looking wildly at them all while Rachel handled his hard manhood. They snickered.

  Rachel said, “What?...”

  Kyle said, “Did you get a good feel?”


  Kyle guided Rachel to the door. Matt looked at Will and said, “Holy shit, that was so…”

  He didn’t want to finish, but Will knew what he meant. Hot. In front of all these guys, having his Heather come in and touch his dick could produce an unfortunate result. What if he came in front of them all?

  Kyle was shouting out the tent now, “Who’s next?”

  The girls were talking to each other, their voices low. Laughing. Rachel was blabbing about the hotdog.

  “No talking,” Kyle reminded them. “Who’s next?”

  Over his shoulder, Will saw Mickey looking through the cooler again, trying to find something else that would be hilarious to put in the girls’ hands.

  Matt was pulling up his shorts now, zipping them closed. He tugged his shirt down to cover the bulge of his arousal. He nodded his chin at Kyle.

  Kyle said, “You ready?”

  “No, hold on,” Matt said. He nodded again, down between Kyle’s legs.

  Kyle laughed. “No, no,” he said.

  “Come on,” Matt said.

  Mickey caught on now. “Yeah, yeah, that’s hilarious,” thinking it was a good idea to introduce an unknown penis.

  Matt shouted out to the girls, “Because Rachel’s playing, we might need a ringer.”

  Heather said, “What’s a ringer?”

  “We might put anything in your hand.”

  “Not a hot dog again,” Rachel said.

  “We’ve got tricks for you.”

  “What kind of tricks?”

  “We might double up, or who knows, bring in a ringer...”

  There was low talking; Will was pretty sure they got it. “Okay,” Heather said.

  His insides chilled. Did Heather really understand? He thought it was pretty clear. There might be another dick in the mix. Mickey was elbowing Kyle now, taking over door duty.

  “No way,” Sully was saying, knowing it was either him or Will who would have somebody else’s dick in their girlfriend’s hand.

  But Kyle was already drawing down his zipper. He fished in his underwear, pulled out his dick and let it fall out of the fly. It was unreal. Like a big horse dick. He must’ve grown semi-hard watching all these guys getting felt up, because the thing was not flaccid or sleepy. It wasn’t hard either, though, just hanging down in an arc, pointing at the floor and nodding from side to side. The head was enormous, like a plum, the thing swallowed up by foreskin. It was ugly and frightening, but instantly commanded all the power in the room.


  Another long quiet moment drew out as all four guys looked at what this guy they didn’t know had between his legs. Then Matt exploded a burst of air from his cheeks. They all laughed, bending over. “Holy sheep shit,” Sully laughed. “Jesus Christ,” Mickey hissed.

  Will muttered, “Oh my God.”

  Kyle shook his head, walked down the line, wedged in between Will and Matt.

  “Holy God dammit,” Matt said, stooping over, looking to the side, admiring this guy’s enormous penis hanging out of the fly. “That is a huge fucking dick.”

  “Un-fucking-believable,” they all continued, moaning, not sure what to make of this. It would’ve been funny if Kyle had a regular dick, making one of the girls try to feel it, as long as they were in on the joke, knowing there could be someone else in the mix. But this was unreal. This was awful. Will’s stomach rolled over; he put a hand over it, feeling queasy.

  Mickey was waving the next girl in, and Will was hoping and praying it wasn’t Heather. It wasn’t.

  Now it was Megan stepping in, red hair tied back, looking slim and innocent, unsuspecting, her fingers up and tugging the blindfold to make sure it covered her eyes.

  Mickey said, “You can’t see anything?”

  “No,” she snickered.

  Mickey took Megan’s slim shoulders, guided her down the line, but as she took one step toward the lineup where Kyle stood—this older guy with an enormous penis standing there with it hanging out of his fly—Sully stepped forward from the line, looking back at Kyle, smirking, mouthing, “No fucking way, dude.”

  Kyle laughed, folded his arms up and didn’t interject.

  Megan said, “Is it a hot dog again? Because it’s not that funny...”

  “No talking,” Mickey said over her shoulder. Sully thrusted out his hips, and without ceremony, Mickey guided Megan’s hand to her boyfriend’s penis. She closed around it, explored it, felt his scrotum, touched the head. Mickey pulled her hand away. “Got it?”

  “I felt it,” she said, and he turned her around and walked her to the door. She went out, and he could hear Heather saying to her, “Did they do anything?”


  Mickey shouted out of the tent’s door, “No talking.”

  “We’re not.”

  “You totally are, I’m watching you, I’m seeing you talking.”

  Someone must’ve given him the finger, because he gave them one back. Then he shouted, “You’re next, Heather.”

  And Kyle stood there still, his monstrous dick hanging out of his fly, like there might be a chance he was going to put it in Will’s girlfriend’s hand.

  Will’s heart pounded, thinking of it. What would Heather think, touching that thing? She’d only ever been with him. What the hell would she think?

  A dark and ugly curiosity swirled in him; a doubt. The male front-facing part of him was saying No fucking way, just like Sully he was going to step forward and say to Kyle Nice try, buddy, but his mind kept examining the possibility. Heather’s hands touching that thing. Why would that be arousing?

  They all snickered, and Matt leaned back, trying to get Will’s attention behind Kyle’s back. He said, “Come on, Will...” Meaning let Kyle do it.

  But Will said, “No way.”

  Mickey looked disappointed. He whisper-shouted: “Come on, Will. Let him...”

  Will scowled and shook his head.

  Sully mouthed, “It’ll be so funny.”

  Will said to Sully, “I didn’t see you doing it.”

  “Come on, dude.”

  Will shook his head no again.

  And now here was Heather coming in, filling up the held back tent door flap. She was blindfolded, pretty hands held out and timid. She said, “It’s smells sweaty in here.”<
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  Mickey said, “Yeah, yeah, a lot of pheromones—you girls are getting hot touching all these dicks...”

  Heather said, “I think it’s you guys getting hot in here,” and they laughed.

  “Right, let’s do this, take me to your wiener,” she said then, and Mickey laughed and took her hand.

  As she was led forward, Matt reached behind Kyle and poked Will’s arm. “Come on, Will, come on...”

  “Wait,” Will whispered, halting, actually considering it...

  Kyle looked his way, cocked his head. “Am I doing this?”

  Will paused. He was curious. He had the support of the guys—they wanted it to happen. It was weird as shit, what if Heather got mad? It sounded like she knew it could be any penis put in her hand. Maybe this guy Kyle even. But, Jesus, Kyle’s dick was like a horse’s dick…

  “Where are you taking me?” Heather asked as she was walked further down the line to the very end where Will and Kyle stood.

  “Almost there,” Mickey said, scowling at Will and mouthing, “Let him do it...”

  Heather put out her hand, at waist height, and Kyle stepped forward.

  Will didn’t stop him. Stood there and watched.

  The guys eyes all widened, they sucked their lips in their mouths to stop from bursting out laughing.

  Mickey said to Heather, “You ready?”


  Mickey took Heather’s wrist, guiding her hand to another man’s enormous penis, and Will’s heart was pounding in his ears...


  In the agonizing eons-long moment Heather’s hand traveled to touch Kyle’s huge hanging penis, an explosion of interjection expanded inside Will. Every seam that held him together almost burst with a profound outward pressure. He felt lightheaded, rocked on the balls of his feet, his knees weakening, dipping. The urge to step forward, pushing out his penis and putting it in his girlfriend’s hand blew outward against every containing wall.

  But he held it all in and allowed her to touch another man’s sex organ.

  According to Heather, she’d only ever touched Will’s penis. Until now. He sagged, saw horror. He stood again, watching her hand go between Kyle’s legs. That big dick hanging down, unreal looking. Her fingertips touched at first, and she didn’t recoil. Then her grip gently closed on it mid-shaft, the gummy thing as thick as her own wrist.