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A Week on the Big Snake Page 7

  “It’s not small,” Kyle said again.

  “Right,” Heather agreed, her other hand coming in now, maybe her shoulder getting sore; she slipped it palm side up underneath Will’s erection, and his legs began to shake. The intense pleasure that rifled through him was impossible to believe. Why on earth was he allowing this to happen?...

  No, he knew why. It felt so crazy good.

  But how would he allow the pleasure to overtake common sense?

  Maybe there was truth to Kyle’s words. Maybe there was some good in this…

  Kyle said, “And you still like Will’s?”

  She let out a quiet chuckle. “Of course…”

  Kyle looked down on him. “See, Will?”

  Heather was more expressive now. Emerging from that shocky look, her eyes more focused. She whispered, “Wow, Will, you are so hard right now.”

  “I know,” he chuckled, his stomach bouncing. Heather fondled him a little, her thumb stroking. “I don’t even know why...”

  And now Heather’s hand moved on Kyle’s. She said to him, “You’re not even really hard...”

  “I’m close,” Kyle said, chuckling too, his tight stomach bouncing. It made his larger penis slip against Will’s, and Will curled his toes. The pleasure was weird, bizarre. His wife cradling his erection, another man’s larger member resting on it, slipping over it. He looked down, couldn’t see his own penis. Saw his wife’s hands on them, one cupped underneath, the other one overtop of Kyle’s.

  Heather said, “You’re like almost twice as long...”

  “Am I?”

  Heather leaned sideways, cocked her head, closed one eye. She pressed them together tighter. “Yeah, like, seriously, like twice as long as Will.”

  Will whispered, “Really?” His mind reeled at the reality demonstrated in his wife’s hands.

  Heather added: “And you’re not even hard...”

  “I’m close,” Kyle said.

  Without even asking for permission, Heather began to stroke Kyle’s erection...


  Heather’s grip moved toward the end of Kyle’s erection, her fingers purposely light and delicate on him, like she wanted to pleasure him, wanted him to get harder. And Kyle grew. Right before her eyes. She was timid with her touch, non-committal, lightly moving up and down, squeezing gently.

  Her eyebrows raised as she marveled seeing this already large penis grow larger. It swelled, not lengthening much, but definitely thickening. The shape of the cock head pushed out against the thin membranes of his foreskin. As the cock head swelled, the foreskin eased back, revealing the slit.

  “Oh my God,” Heather said, caressing the top of his penis with four fingers. “It’s so huge.”


  Will looked up to see Kyle looking at him from above again, shaggy hair falling forward and framing his handsome, bearded face. “Yeah?”

  “Feel it.”

  Feel it? Will looked down again, slowly moved his right hand up his own hipbone, slipping between them.

  “That’s it,” Kyle said, “it’s okay...”

  And he did want to know. Wanted to feel what Heather felt. Wanted to know the difference between him and a larger man…

  Heather backed her hand away, the happy expression diminished, her eyes gone wide again. He could see her pulse racing in a vein that ran up her thin neck. Her nipples pressed against her tank top, pushing out the cotton. Now it was like he was performing for Heather. Watched her eyes as he moved his hand over Kyle’s erection.

  He could feel the guy hard. Could feel the life pulsing underneath the hot surface, the excited blood rushing, making his huge penis straight and turgid.

  It was massive. He’d only ever touched his own, and this thing was way bigger than what he had. He imagined now how Heather felt when she put her hand on it. It wasn’t like what she was used to. And there was that sickness in his stomach again. The feeling of hurt and jealousy, but excitement as well. He closed his hand as best he could around it, brought his grip higher up, feeling near its collar, resting just below the swollen shape of his glans. His thumb touched the tip of his own penis; Kyle’s was over a man’s hand length longer.

  Kyle said, “Roll it back.”

  Without even thinking about it, Will gripped a little tighter, eased back the foreskin, watched that wrinkled skin contract, a bright shining pristine bulb of a cock head exposed. Its lone eye stared at him, then swelled wider as a stream of thick clear lubricant pulsed out of him. Kyle’s cock flexed in his grip. His heart raced. The lubricant rolled to touch the knuckle of his thumb. He bit his own lips, moved his grip up—letting the foreskin stay retracted—closing it again on the cock head, the thing so huge it practically filled his hand. He rolled a slippery fist on Kyle’s glans. Kyle made a hissing sound, Heather’s eyes went as wide as they would go, her lower lip clenched under her two front teeth. She couldn’t believe it either.

  Will’s stomach tightened, his legs shook.

  “Oh shit,” he whispered, let go of Kyle’s penis, his two hands formed into fists and thrust down next to his thighs.

  Kyle rolled his hips, the bellies of their cocks rubbing together. Heather stayed frozen watching.

  “Shit, shit, shit,” he hissed, clenching his teeth and squinting his eyes shut. It was too late. The pressure built, and as much as he tried to push it down, it rose up in a flux. His ass muscles clenched, his stomach went to a steely cable. His body hunched and seized; he opened his eyes to see his much smaller penis underneath Kyle’s huge one suddenly spurt forth a wet shower of clear semen. He jerked and bucked, complaining, “No, no, oh no,” as semen darted all over his belly in hot ropes, filling his navel. “Shoot, oh no,” he said.

  Kyle hissed, “Heather, hold him, pleasure him…”

  There was a beat of a moment where Heather was startled and didn’t know what to do. Then her hand swooped to grip him; she cradled the topside of his erection, jerked him quickly with her thumb against his frenulum. The pleasure exploded inside, and he thrust his hips up, his and Kyle’s scrotums mashing together.

  Kyle whispered, “That’s it, that’s okay, Will, it’s okay, let it out, buddy, let it go, let it all out, that’s it...”

  Will twisted and groaned, Heather’s hand doing electric things to him. He writhed more as it continued to come.

  “Shoot,” he hissed, so embarrassed—bottomlessly embarrassed—putting a forearm up to cover his eyes.

  Kyle soothed him. “Will, Will, that’s okay, no shame, no shame, buddy,” his hips still rolling, pumping the bellies of their cocks together, now made slippery. Heather drew in a hissing breath, still caressing him, and when Will opened his eyes, he could see that while she pleasured him, her fingertips also attempted to touch Kyle’s at the same time.

  “Oh my God,” she whispered, “oh my God…”

  “It’s okay, buddy,” Kyle said, “hey,” putting his weight onto one hand, and then with the other pulling Will’s forearm away. “Hey, open up. Open up...”

  “Sorry,” Will said, looking away from both of them.

  “Don’t be sorry, dude. Don’t be…”

  Heather still cradled his throbbing erection. Her hand was still now, not moving. She said, “It’s okay, Will, don’t be embarrassed, baby...”

  “I’m sorry,” he said again.

  “Will, buddy, don’t be sorry at all...”

  “I didn’t mean to do that.”

  “Hey, that’s right, you can’t help it.”

  “It’s so embarrassing,” he said.

  “No, man,” Kyle said, drawing a deep breath then letting it out. “You know how much I want to do that?”

  Heather chuckled, her thumbnail tracing along the side of Kyle’s penis. She said, “You do?”

  “Oh yeah, of course, what do you think?”

  Heather bit her lower lip again, looking at the two penises pressed together, her boyfriend’s shameful load growing cold on his stomach, this other man’s way bigger pen
is resting over top of his so she could barely see her boyfriend’s. She looked up to Kyle, whispered, “Do you want me to use my hand on you?”

  Part 3



  Kyle thought a moment, face turned toward Heather, sandy brown hair hanging down over his forehead. He rubbed his chin against the muscle of his shoulder, thinking, his beard scratching his skin. His eyes flicked toward Will’s. “What do you think, Will?”

  He was frozen again, wondering. This guy looming above him, two strong arms spread out on either side, his hips pushed down against his, there dicks pressed together, his own legs open wide. How did he get out of this? How had he ended up like this in the first place, on his back, submitting? It was Kyle and Heather’s doing—all this talk about him facing his fears, fears he didn’t even know he had; up to yesterday he rarely thought anything about anybody else’s penis, or how his measured up. But these two sitting with him in the tent—his own fucking girlfriend—put it in his head, and now he was obsessing about it.

  He looked to Heather, his pretty long-time companion, the only girl he’d ever loved, the only girl he’d ever been with. In her eyes he could see her own arousal, could see that she was stimulated. If he ended this now, how would it seem to her? This confident guy she and her friends had been ogling coming into his tent, talking circles around him, getting him to lay on his back, putting his bigger dick over top of his. How do you come back from that? And worst of all: the mess he’d left on his stomach. If Heather were complicit, if Heather submitted in her own way, perhaps he could save face. Or was this all conjecture? Was it all rationalization? Because there was a sliver of truth at his core, and when he shifted, it made its presence known. He wanted her to. He wanted her to, not so he could blame her later, he wanted her to because it was arousing. Shame rose up, and he felt his cheeks redden. He bit the inside of his lip, nodded rapidly, averting his eyes.

  Kyle asked in a quiet voice, “You’re sure, Will?”

  He grunted an affirmation in his throat.

  Heather said to him, “Okay?...”

  He looked away from them, to his bundled things next to his sleeping bag. He said, “Okay. You can use your hand on him.”

  No more words were said between Kyle and Heather; Will’s ears focused, eager for any sounds, his eyes still turned away. Heather’s hand moved, the heel and her pinky knuckle bumping against the head of his penis. There was a soft sticky sound. She was jerking on Kyle.

  His eyes fluttered open, his head rolled back to rest on the pillow and he tucked his chin down. Sure enough, there was his girlfriend’s pretty hand wrapped around Kyle’s massive erection. She gripped him up near the top, slowly using the guy’s sticky foreskin to move up and down, giving him—another man—sexual pleasure she intended to provoke ejaculation.

  “Is that okay?” Heather asked

  “You’ve got a nice hand,” he said.

  “It feels good?”

  Kyle grunted yes and began to hump himself slowly through Heather’s grip as she jerked him.

  “Tell me what you like. I want to make you come...”

  “Your hand is perfect...”

  Heather whispered, “Your dick is so big...”

  Will watched, seeing Heather’s feminine grip being spread by this massive cock. The foreskin pulled and tugged; when their balls mashed together, Heather’s grip pushed down, and that swollen cock head bulged outward, the urethra looking right into Will’s soul. His heart rate picked up, and he found his own hips beginning to grind, liking the feel of his girlfriend’s hand bumping against him as she jerked another man’s bigger cock, liked the feel of the other guy’s much bigger cock mashing against his own, his bigger balls sticking against his smaller balls. His hands grabbed sleeping bag fabric, squeezed it tight. Heather continued to pleasure Kyle, her eyes watching her own hand, marveling at the size of the thing she held. Kyle’s own breath began to pick up, and Will looked up to see his hair hanging, the handsome guy chewing his lip, LED lantern light picking up highlights in his beard.

  When Will’s eyes met his, Kyle said, “You’re still hard...”

  He nodded.

  Now Kyle rocked his hips, rolling back and forth. Heather continued to stroke him, her grip going slick as he began to stream lubricant. Heather gasped at the slippery feel, her stroking stopping, hand coming up to gather as much of the slipperiness as she could, her thumb tracing the edges of the other man’s large cock head. Kyle stopped pumping; Heather caressed the shapes of his erect penis.

  Will looked up, Kyle was still watching him.


  Kyle took Heather’s wrist and stilled her hand. Heather looked to his face, said, “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing’s wrong at all, guys, everything is just so right...”

  Heather chewed her lip, didn’t respond, wide eyes watching and waiting to see what he would say.

  “Doesn’t it feel right?”

  Will’s eyes watched Kyle looking at him, the question meant for him.

  He opened his mouth, didn’t answer.

  “Your dick is still rock hard,” Kyle said to him. “I’m hard too.”

  Heather looked between them, touched Will’s penis. He jolted, bucked, their dicks bouncing together. She chuckled, tried to hold both of them at the same time. She whispered, “You’re both so hard right now…”

  Kyle took a deep breath, eased himself back to sit on his heels, walking his hands down the sides of Will’s body. He sat there looking between them, looking from Will to Heather. Heather traced hair from her face, using the hand she just jerked him with, her fingers probably wet with his pre-come. Will stiffened further. Still laying prostrate, his legs open, this other man between them, his smaller penis exposed for them all to see. Kyle’s erection stuck up between his legs, no longer lazy and flopped against his leg, it was turgid, eager for satisfaction.

  Will said, “What is it?...”

  But he thought he already knew...


  Kyle looked to Heather, said, “How are you feeling?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Are you cool?”

  “Yeah,” she said, looking down, then looking back up. “Do you want me to finish with my hand?”

  “I’m just thinking,” he said.

  Heather asked, “Thinking what?”

  “Look how hard Will is.”

  Heather’s eyes moved—almost reluctantly—between Will’s legs to see his arousal. “He is,” she whispered.

  Kyle drew in a long breath, let it out softly, like he was calming himself, stilling his mind. He said, “All this started with that spike of jealousy...”

  Will nodded. Heather said Yeah.

  Kyle said, “You guys are tight. You’ve been together a long time. Eleven years is so amazing...”

  “I know,” she whispered.

  “But there’s that not-knowing thing, that fear you guys have...”

  “Right,” she said.

  “There’s that inexperience. I know you guys have lots of experiences together, experiences with each other...”

  Will said, “We love each other.”

  Kyle contemplated for a beat, said, “What if you could get experience, right now. The three of us together, start pushing back at those things that close in on you. If you let those things bother you, that’s when you’re going to have troubles. Think of how bad you guys felt today. Heather, you hurt his feelings, and you had your feelings hurt, Will, and there was nothing to fear.”

  Neither of them said anything, nor looked at each other. He said, “A threesome with someone. Some exploration. And it’s the two of you together. It’s like you’re exploring together...”

  In Will’s periphery, he could see Heather nodding. He whispered to her: “Heather…?”

  Slowly, her head turned toward him and their eyes met. He could see the arousal of her nipples against her tank top. She whispered, “What do you think?”

��Talk it out, guys,” Kyle said, watching patiently, erection hungry for their answer.

  Will worked himself up to sit, bringing his legs together and closing off his embarrassment. He put out a hand, Heather put hers in it. It was sticky from the thing she’d done with it. She wormed closer to him, put her other hand on his chest, scratched lightly at his sternum. “Will, baby, what do you think?”

  He was mesmerized looking in her beautiful eyes, disbelieving his Heather would even consider this. He asked, “What do you think?”

  She averted her eyes, looked down. Her hand slipped along the top of his thighs, into the V between his stomach and legs, seeking his erection. And he was powerless, lowering one leg, giving her access. When her hand went around him, his eyes rolled up with intense pleasure. She began to stroke his much smaller penis. She said, “Gosh, baby, you’re still so hard...”

  “I know,” he said

  “Do you want to do it?”

  “It’s up to you,” he said, feeling tricked into that answer.

  “You’re so hard,” she said again, stroking him, rolling pleasure through his mind, floating away common sense. Manipulating him. Was that what she was doing? He went down to his elbows again, feeling powerless to her. She got close, said, “Do you want to?”

  He couldn’t say yes—or could he? He said again, “Do you want to?”

  She was close enough to him now her cheek almost touched his shoulder. He waited, heart pounding...

  “Yeah, I want to,” she said, her hand moving quick and slippery now, his pre-come streaming from him. His heart thudded, his stomach dropped. It was the absolute worst answer—the one he didn’t want to hear. And yet, he wanted to hear it. “You do?” A measure of hurt pinched his voice.

  “Can we do it?” she said, stroking him a little faster.

  “The three of us together?”

  She said, “The three of us, but it’s you and me together, exploring, like Kyle said…”

  He chewed his lower lip, eyes wild, sensible thought being obliterated by what his girlfriend did with her hand; at his feet, the other man waiting for an answer...